
“And I will be faithful to you so long as we both shall live, as God is my Witness, I give you my promise!”

Have you spoken these words or similar ones to someone you love?  Did you realize when you made your marriage vows that you were making them to God just as you were making them to your spouse?  Have you kept your promise?  Have you been thinking about breaking your vow?

Adultery is rampant in America today and it is rampant in the church as well!  I guess we ministers have taught so much about grace that people use that as an excuse to sin, “Yes, I know it’s a sin but God will forgive me by His grace.”  If you’ve ever made that declaration and then gone ahead with the sin, you’re playing a very dangerous game!  The Bible says you will “reap what your sow!”

Recently, I read a book about former President Clinton and his wife, Hillary.  One day one of Mr. Clinton’s friends confronted him about his adultery and he said, “yes, all of us turn to something when we are under stress; some to drugs; some to food; and some, like me, to sex.  Clinton admitted that he was a “sex-a-holic.”  Unfortunately, because of his sex problem, Mr. Clinton is also a habitual liar and deceiver.  He proved that while holding the most powerful office on this planet…the presidency of the United States.  He lied to his wife, to his friends, and to the people of America…..and, he lied while under oath.  Some people think Clinton will go down in history as one of our greatest presidents but I say he will ever after be known as a laughing stock and one of the greatest deceivers in history!  You see, the legacy you leave behind is not built upon what you did…….no, it comes from WHO you were. People rarely remember our accomplishments but they never forget what kind of person we were.  Were we righteous?  Did we have a set of moral values that, not only did we live by, but we taught our children and others to obey?  Were we examples to our community concerning what is right?  Did people look up to us for our honesty and integrity?

Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you.