Christmas is Under Attack
If you’ve been watching the news lately, you’ve no doubt noticed the national debate on the political correctness of Christmas. Many retail stores no longer say, “Merry Christmas,” but, rather, “Happy Holidays.” Some don’t even sell Christmas trees any longer – they’re “holiday trees!”
This debate started years ago when a very small minority of atheists around the country began complaining about the manger scenes found on courthouse lawns (like in Carlsbad). In their argument, they claimed that government shouldn’t be involved in the propagation of any particular religion.
Well, get a clue! It’s too late! How many of you know that Christmas is a National Holiday? It’s been approved by Congress as a holiday and supported by the American people since this country was formed. And, while America touts freedom of religion, it should be remembered that the majority of people in this country claim to be Christian.
Not long after the manger scene debacle, many courts ruled that the depictions could stay as long as some other “characters” were included. That’s why you see Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck right along-side the manger scenes on many courthouse lawns. Imagine that!
Now, if all that weren’t bad enough, we’ve got a well-organized group of Christians in America who are trying to get rid of Christmas because they think it has too much paganism in it! They also say that Jesus couldn’t possibly have been born on December 25th so we shouldn’t be celebrating His birth then. Hey! How about giving all of us a big break?
Let me shock everybody: I think God is right in the middle of all this Christmas stuff! That’s right, I said it! While it is true that there are gobs of commercialism in Christmas, it is equally true that it is one of the only times of the year that the real gospel story is related to the nation and the world. Yes, I know that Santa Claus and trees got mixed in there as well but I believe most people understand that the real celebration is about Jesus and His birth. If they don’t, then it’s our job to tell them! But, let’s don’t ruin the majesty and wonder of Christmas; especially for our children. If you’re lucky enough to float down the Pecos River this year and see all the lights, pause for a moment and think about the “Light of the World.” The same holds true when you gaze upon the sparkling illumination of a Christmas tree. And, when the studios drag out “The 10 Commandments,” starring Charlton Heston, remember that our God is getting His message out to a lost and dying world – and He’s using Christmas to do it!
One final thought: If we Christians don’t fight off the attack against Christmas, there may not be any more!
Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you.