Cutting Covenant

Actually, the word “Covenant” means “to cut.” We have much to learn about covenants. Some of you think a covenant is like a contract – but it’s not! A contract has to have at least two parties involved and the contract will also inevitably come to an end. A covenant, by contrast, can be “cut” by one person and it is perpetual. That means it is permanent!

Covenants are plentiful in the Bible. It all goes back to when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. God was greatly grieved but He still loved them. What was He to do? The answer came when God killed some animals and placed their bloody skins upon the naked man and woman. God made a covenant with them that moment which basically said, “I still love you and desire a relationship with you but you have a problem we must deal with. You have sinned and sin can only be taken care of through the shedding of blood.” (Hebrews 9:22). So, God made a covenant with man. The covenant said, “if you want to approach God, you must bring a blood sacrifice that will atone for your sin.” Of course, as all of you know, all of this was leading up to the greatest covenant of all, Jesus Christ. It was through His shedding of His own blood on the cross that the Lamb of God took away the sins of the world and opened the door for us to have eternal relationship with the Father. What a great mystery this is!

God also made a covenants with others in the Bible. He made a covenant with Noah when He placed a rainbow in the sky for the very first time which said, “I will never again destroy the Earth through flood.” He also made a covenant with Abraham that promised a great blessing upon him and his descendants. The culmination of that covenant was the promise that the Messiah would come through the loins of Abraham and the Messiah would save the entire world!

What we need to see here is, in the Bible, covenants were always sealed with BLOOD! The Word also teaches us that “the life is in the blood,” so when a covenant is put together through the shedding of blood, we known that it is a solemn ceremony. When David and Jonathan cut a covenant with one another, it became one of the most famous examples in history of what a friendship could become. It speaks of love and loyalty. 

God hasn’t forgotten about covenants today either. Every time a man and woman step up to an altar to exchange vows t one another and to God, a solemn Covenant is cut between the two that will last from now on! This covenant, too, is intended to be sealed in blood on the couple’s wedding night. Marriage is a Holy Thing and God help anyone who would tear it asunder. Listen up, couples! If you’re having problems, you owe it to your covenant to work those problems out. Go to God – the Great Covenant Maker – and He will help you! 

Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you.