Loving Your Wife

On June 12th, Liz and I celebrated wedding anniversary. Since we’ve been married more than forty (40) years now, I told someone, “Looks like we’re going to make it! We probably won’t even need any counseling!” 

My wife has kept me in the ministry. Many times when I wanted to quit out of frustration, she wouldn’t allow it – always loving and supporting and gently pushing me back into the service of the Lord! Liz is a Godly woman (Proverbs 31) and she is a submissive wife. Now, I don’t mean that she allows me to wipe my feet on her and abuse her. What I mean is, she allows me, no encourages me, to lead! I’m the head of our home and she likes that. Unfortunately today, the newer waves of Women’s Lib have ruined the concept of submission for many women. “Don’t let your husband tell you what to do. You tell him what to do! Stick up for your rights.” In fact, it is now fashionable in some places for a woman not to take her husband’s last name in a marriage and so she retains her own. Folks, we’ve missed the point of marriage and many don’t understand God’s precious plan for the family.

Men, YOUR WIFE IS A GIFT! She’s far better than what you deserved. How do you treat gifts? I mean, if someone gave you a new Corvette as a gift, would you immediately run a nail down the side of it and strip the paint off? Of course not! You’d baby that gift and take care of it and maintain it and protect it and wash it and love it and nurture it and…

Do you get the point? There’s a very mystical and mysterious reason why your wife took your last name. She gave up everything for you – including her own identity! In effect, She BECAME You! And, all she asks in return, is that you love her! The Bible teaches men how they should love their wives… “as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it!” Are you loving your wife like that? Are you sacrificing your needs and wants for the sake of your wife’s? Would a man who loved his wife as Christ loved the church ever cuss at her? Would he ever abuse her? Would he ever hit or shove her? Would he ignore her and shut her out?

The other sacrifice your wife made was to have your children! No one but another woman could ever understand what that means. Mommies are so precious to God! We already know how Jesus felt about children and it’s no accident that He appointed the woman to be the primary caregiver to our little ones! When one of your kids is outside and falls and scrapes their knee, who do they come running to? It sure isn’t you, Dad! For that matter, when you’ve had a cruddy day at work and your boss yelled at you and you’re sure no one loves you, it’s kind of nice to come home to a sweet voice, a cold glass of tea, and a hot meal…isn’t it? And, we’re not even going to talk here about how your wife cares for all of your “intimate” needs!

Again I say, YOUR WIFE IS A GIFT! What are you doing with your gift! Do you appreciate her? Do you make sure you’re helping out? One of the biggest enemies to our wives is fatigue! A stupid man is one who thinks that because he works at a secular job all day and his wife doesn’t that she really doesn’t do much! The truth is, her jobs never stop!

Do you “minister” to your wife? Do you pray for her? Are you making sure her spiritual needs are being met? Are you still courting her? Do you take her to dinner as often as possible? ARE YOU LOVING YOUR WIVES, MEN?

Update: Liz & I have now been happily married for 49 years!

Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you.