Nobody Loves Me

Have you ever said those words?…“NOBODY LOVES ME!” The truth is, there are times in all of our lives when insecurity seems to take the throne and we suffer immensely thinking that no one cares about us.

Many years ago, while going through such a situation, the Lord spoke to my heart, “John!” the Lord said boldly, “No one has a right NOT to love you!” Here’s the way the Bible says it: “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” (I John 4:7-8). 

Let me emphasize the last part of this verse, “…he that loveth NOT knoweth not God…” You see, people who aren’t loving you are out of order and God is not pleased! But, before we swell with satisfaction here, let’s also remember that this scripture goes both ways. If there’s someone you’re NOT loving then you’re out of order as well.

Sometimes, we forget that there is a devil! His name is Satan and he hates you. Satan’s whole purpose is to keep you out of heaven. “But,” you say, “I’m already saved! I’m going to heaven.” Well, if you’re already saved, then Satan hates you even more. He knows that he’s lost you to heaven but he also knows that he’s got to hog-tie you somehow so you won’t take others to heaven with you. He has a great advantage in this area because he can use almost anything to handicap you and bring you into bondage to the point that you won’t even think about sharing your faith with others.

In more than thirty (30) years of counseling, I’ve met many people who are emotionally handicapped. They’re convinced that no one loves them and they are so deeply in bondage to that thought that they can hardly function. Some of the people are extroverted which means they have a “Type A” personality; they are aggressive and outgoing, and so, they react to the idea of not being loved by becoming bitter and negative. They easily lash out at anyone they perceive isn’t loving them and, sadly, they pretty much think everybody fits into that category.

The introverted person who doesn’t feel loved usually withdraws and become timid. These kinds of people have a problem leading, preferring to always remain in the background. Many times they take the blame for not being loved thinking that they must be flawed in some way. They have a tendency to continually feel great sorrow for themselves and believe they deserve the kind of treatment that others are dishing out to them.

Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you.