Our Future 

I know you’ve heard about the Second Coming so many times that you’ve almost become immune to the teaching but, let me reiterate: HE IS COMING AND HE IS COMING SOON! And now, let me ask you, are you living your life like you know Jesus is coming soon?

Incredible things are happening all around the globe. Events in the Middle East are taking place at such a rapid pace it’s difficult to keep up. And, if you lay your Bible down right beside your newspaper, you will be astounded to watch Bible prophecy coming to pass right before your eyes! My friends, we are living in the END TIMES!

Let’s talk about the present WAR ON TERRORISM. You may not be aware of this but the terrible tragedies that we’ve seen since 9-11-2001 are actually the culmination of an age-old battle that began when Sarah gave Hagar, her hand-maid, to Abraham to bear a child and all because she could not believe in the promise of God Himself that she would conceive a child in her old age. Hagar did conceive and gave birth to a son named Ishmael the father of all of the Arab nations. And, then, around 625 AD a false prophet by the name of Mohammed gave ISLAM to these same Arab countries. 

Later, Sarah did conceive and gave birth to Isaac, the “child of promise.” Out of Isaac, came Mary the mother of Jesus Christ. Isaac also was the father of the present Jewish people and the nation of Israel. We all know that the war between Isaac and Ishmael continues to this very day. But, sometimes I think we forget that there is a devil. He’s responsible for bringing the false god, Allah, to the Arab world. Today, Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet and this, in itself, is a major sign that Jesus, the true Messiah, is about to split the clouds and touch down on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem!

Islam hates the Jews and hates all Christians. Islam has sworn that it will not rest until every Jewish man, woman, and child are driven into the Mediterranean sea! 

Islam has sworn to convert all Christians to the faith or kill them in the process. What do you think is the real purpose of fanatics like Osama Bin Laden? If you asked him, he would tell you that he’s been called by his god for this day and this hour to bring down all heretical governments around the world. He might even say, in one of his rare moments of honesty, that he believes he is the “Mahdi,” the “chosen one” who will bring Islam to the entire globe!

But, hold your heads up high and take hope. The Bible calls the Second Coming of Jesus Christ the “Blessed Hope.” The Bible says every eye shall see Him and every tongue will confess that He is the One and only, true God! Yes, He is coming and He is coming soon. Are your ready for His arrival? Are your kids ready? Men, you are responsible for your families. Are you a true man of God? Are you walking with Him daily? Are you ministering to your family? I love you!

Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you.