Politically Correct?

Let me introduce Barbara to you. Yes, this is Barbara Streisand and she seems to have great influence in America today over what’s right and what’s wrong! It’s called being, “politically correct.”

Today, in this country, a lot of influence is being placed upon morals, traditions, the raising of children, and almost every other facet of our lives by people who are ultra-left wing, extremely liberal and, in some cases, totally ungodly! The biggest problem is that many of these influential people are actors, actress, and others who have a high profile in American society.

Listen to me today please: Barbara Streisand is one of the best singers I’ve ever heard in my life but that doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s qualified to be a role model for your children! It also doesn’t mean that she’s qualified to speak to this generation about morals and what is right or wrong!

Now, in America, everyone is entitled to their opinion. That’s what makes this nation great and what separates it from many other countries. But, the playing field is far from level! Opinionated people who have gained fame are, many times, having more influence on our society than less famous citizens who may be the ones we should be listening to: our pastors and many others who genuinely care about people.

Well, I am entitled to my opinion as well and, as one who ministers here on a regular basis, I feel it is my duty and right to speak to you about this issue and warn you to guard your children.

Today in the USA abortion is politically correct…after all, a fetus is not a real person until it breaks through the birth canal and is catapulted into this world…then, it is called, “a baby.” The politically correct will insist that the mother’s right “to choose” is most important because that “thing” in the womb is only a blob of tissue until someone gives birth to it!

In many states, young, teen-aged girls can procure an abortion without any parental involvement whatsoever! After all, it’s politically correct. In fact, it’s also correct to teach our teens about birth-control because “they’re going to do it anyway.” And, abortion is just another form of birth-control!

Political correctness is rearing its ugly head now through attacks on our president. The truth is (in my opinion) Mr. Bush is the best president this country has had in many years; a man who fears God and never makes a move without consulting Him! He’s a far sight better than the last man who held the office…a man who took the country to a place of trying to figure out what the meaning of “IS” is!

Now political correctness has worked its way into many of our church denominations. Some pastors are so eager to “fit in” with the political dogma of the day, they compromise God and His Word on a daily basis. Some churches have stopped speaking out against sins like homosexuality, fornication, and promiscuity for fear of offending someone in their congregation that is filling a seat! God is not pleased.

Listen, it’s time to stand up for what is right. It’s time to make a stand concerning God’s Word! Don’t allow people who’s only concern is to not rock the boat and fit in to dictate to you what you should believe and stand for. Guard your children because, I promise you, they also are being bombarded daily with the deceits of political correctness. These views have a great advantage because they use as spokesmen entertainers like Eminem and Britney Spears. Fame is not a qualification for Godly wisdom!

Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you.