
In this country today, it is “politically correct” to be pro choice. What that means is that you believe it is ok for a women to choose whether or not she terminates her pregnancy…After all, it’s her body, isn’t it?

More than 90 percent of the abortions performed in this country (over 4000 a day!) today are not because something is wrong with the fetus or the mother’s life is in danger. No, they are performed purely for BIRTH CONTROL reasons!

Pro choice also means by implication that the baby has no rights whatsoever. People who believe in abortion are forced to also believe that it’s not really a “baby” inside of that womb!  It’s more like a “mass of tissue” or a “piece of meat!” Life doesn’t really begin, they argue, until the baby actually comes out of the birth canal and enters the world. Never mind that a fetus can fully survive outside the womb by 6 months after conception.

Recently, President Bush struck down a measure that would have allowed “partial birth” abortions to continue in this country. Let me explain:  in partial birth abortion, drugs are given to the mother to induce early labor. When the baby is partially delivered (it’s head sticking out of the birth canal), the doctor drives a pair of forceps into the baby’s brain and kills it. At that point, the birth proceeds with the “thing” being born dead. The reason they don’t wait to kill it until after birth is the same reasoning that says that, as long as it stays in the womb, it’s a “thing” not a “baby.”

Personally, I’m very thankful for President Bush. He’s against abortion. He’s also a Christian man who understands well that life begins at conception and that the “thing” inside of every mother-to-be is a GIFT given by God almighty! We need to pray for our president. I would never tell you how to vote but if you agree with my opinion that he’s a good president then join me in prayer for his re-election.

Mr. Kerry is probably a fine man but he is also Pro Choice. If he is elected, then you can expect  a lot of things to change. For one thing, more than one of our supreme court justices will probably be retiring in the next 4 years and it is the president who nominates their replacements. Remember, it was the supreme court decision called Roe vs. Wade that started this downhill slide of the killing of millions of babies in this country. The woman who originally brought the suit to the supreme court has since repented and is now doing everything in her power to stop the killing.

I believe it is imperative that a Godly man who is against abortion be the one bringing the nominations for new justices to the congress for approval. That’s my opinion.  What do you think?

Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you.