Rapture: Are We Close?

Let there be no doubt; Jesus is coming again to planet Earth! In fact, it was that piece of information that brought me to the Lord thirty-three (33) years ago. A college roommate gave me a copy of Hal Lindsey’s, “The Late Great Planet Earth.” In chapter eleven (11) of that book, Mr. Lindsey describes the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I was twenty-two (22) years old at the time and had never heard about the Second Coming of the Messiah. As I read about it for the first time, I went into my mother’s living room, laid the book down on the sofa, and said a prayer to God. “God,” I said, “such as I am, I give you my life!” – and, you know something, I meant it.
You must understand that, at the time of this conversion experience, I was a mess; using alcohol and drugs. The wonderful thing was that Jesus took me just like I was. He didn’t require me to “get good” first or to clean up my act. He took me, “warts and all!”
A couple of years later, during a fitful night’s sleep, I had a vivid dream of the Rapture. I was Alive when it took place! (The Bible says the last generation will be alive when He comes). I was in a large meeting room, standing at the front behind a pulpit. The place was packed with people. The strange thing was, we were standing there expecting the Rapture at that very moment. For some time afterwards, I had a tendency to reject the dream because I knew that the Bible taught that Jesus would come “as a thief in the night,” and Jesus said He didn’t even know when He was coming back. A few years later, a friend pointed out this scripture to me: “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” – I Thessalonians 5:4.
I personally believe that we are living in the last days. We know this is the time because Matthew 24:32-33 declares that many “Signs” will begin to take place that will cause us to know that Jesus is on the way! Now, I know what some of you are thinking: “What makes this generation any different that any other? After all, every generation since Jesus left this earth thought they would be the ones alive when He returned.” Well, there’s a simple answer to your question: The Atom Bomb! (Nuclear Weapons) You see, in verse twenty-two (22) of that same chapter, Jesus tells us that He must come back or no flesh will survive! This is the first generation that has had the ability to totally annihilate the human race and the planet for that matter. God is the potter and only He has the right to destroy the pot!
Now let’s talk about some of the other signs: in verse five (5), Jesus says many false “Christs” will arise. Several years ago, the Reverend Sun Yung Moon (of the Moonies) put a full page ad in the New York Times declaring that he was the second coming of Christ incarnate. Sadly, he’s not the only one who’s made that declaration in recent years.
In verses six and seven, Jesus warns of “wars and rumors of wars.” He also says that nations will rise up against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms and there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes all over the planet. Man, are we seeing all this come to pass right before our eyes? In New Orleans right now, the left over mud from the Katrina disaster is so toxic with bacteria and disease that local officials aren’t sure when people will be allowed to come back to the area. Some time ago, a giant earthquake took place in the ocean on the other side of the earth causing a tremendous tsunami which killed tens of thousands of people. Folks, these are the last days!
There are often rumors all over the internet that Islamic terrorists are about to detonate some “dirty bombs” at several locations around the world; some in the United States. A “dirty bomb” is a conventional explosive that has nuclear, radioactive material in it that will be broadcast all around the blast site. Thousands and thousands of people could die if these events take place! Though it took some time, we finally managed to take out the terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden but, rest assured, he was not the only terrorist mastermind out there. There are many more, some even more sinister than him.
Now, I wanted to share all this information with you so that you might be ready. It is not my intention here to instill fear in you or your family. However, the Bible clearly teaches that those who “have ears to hear” will be the ones not caught by surprise.
So, what should you be doing? You should be “abiding” until He comes. That means you go about your daily business just like always but you also must keep a watchful eye. You must particularly keep your eye upon the tiny nation of Israel because that country holds the key to all prophecy. You see, God will not allow His beloved people and His land to be destroyed any longer. Over and over again in the Old Testament, God prophesied that He would scatter His people (the Jews) around the world because of their rebellion but, in the last days, He would re-gather them into the Land and make them a great nation. Never again would they be defeated in any war and never again would they be annihilated like they were in World War II. Israel is the key. When you see nations rising up against Israel, get ready, for your redemption draws nigh.
Personally, I’m excited about the soon return of our Lord. I’m excited because I know He will rule and reign on this planet for a thousand (1000) years and everything will be as it should be. Our God is a good God and He has everything planned out. Let me ask you…are you ready if He comes today? I love you!
Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you.