The Rambo Spirit

Rambo Cartoon

Several years ago, one of America’s most beloved “action figures” made a series of movies based around a fictitious character named, “Rambo.” In the story, Rambo was just your average, every-day, walking time-bomb! He had been a member of special armed forces in the Vietnam war and seemed to have a lot of unresolved issues.

Now, we liked Rambo because he wouldn’t take anything off of anyone! His philosophy was, “I’m just walking around America like a hippie minding my own business and if you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone!”

The police in the plot were depicted as the bad guys looking for trouble who just happened to pick on the wrong guy one fateful night! They roughed up poor ole’ Rambo and set him off. Soon, the national guard was called out and even Rambo’s former Colonial was called in to try and get him to stop killing everyone in several states!

I’m convinced we liked Rambo because he seemed to be what we’d like to be. After all, don’t you ever get tired of God dealing with you all the time? You know, trying to get you to be patient and kind, and full of compassion? God’s always trying to get you to “go the extra mile” even declaring, “To him to whom much is given, much is required!”

Haven’t you ever wanted to just rebel especially since God requires you to be nice to everyone, even the jerks of life! You and I both know that sometimes we’d like to just slap one of those little weasels up side the head just like Rambo did! “Yes, Rambo, hide in the woods and kill every slime-bag who comes out there to get you!”

Well, thankfully, God is not going to allow that in your life! Remember, Rambo was just a fictional character in a fictional movie and life was never intended by God to be like that. Yes, God does require a lot of you but He also gives you a lot. One of the things that God reveals to you if you stay with Him long enough, is the reason why people are the way they are! You discover that most people aren’t “evil” in the world; they just need ministry and ministry implies a minister and that’s YOU! Too bad poor ole’ Rambo didn’t meet a real man of God on the street that night instead of those bad ole’ cops!

Disclaimer: Many of the articles on the site were written many years ago. While the lessons and teachings are certainly applicable to issues of today, please note that some of the references mentioned in the article may be dated or otherwise proved inaccurate due to the passage of time. We bring you these articles in their original format. Thank you. 
