Who & What is God?
God existed before the universe was ever created!
God is capable of living totally apart from the universe and yet, He can be everywhere and anywhere inside it.
[Genesis 1:1 | Colossians 1:16-17]
TIME, in the universe, had a beginning.
God’s existence is not affected by time.
God lives in eternity; the absence of time.
[II Timothy 1:9 | Titus 1:2]
The Son of God, Jesus Christ, created the universe.
He had no beginning and was not created!
Whenever God manifests Himself physically, it’s Jesus!
[John 1:3 | Colossians 1:16:17 | Colossians 2:9]
God created the universe out of nothing.
Materials that cannot be detected with human senses.
[Hebrews 11:3]
After Jesus rose from the dead, He could pass through walls.
He could fly.
This is evidence of His extra-dimensionality.
Known dimensions are: up & down, left & right, back & forth.
Time is the 4th dimension.
There are other dimensions that exist (like the spiritual).
[Luke 24:36-43 | John 20:26-28]
In these extra dimensions, Jesus can do more for us than here.
Pleading our case in the spiritual realm before the Father.
[John 14:12 & 16:5-7 | Philippians 2:5-11]
God is very near but we cannot see Him.
Another proof of other dimensions.
[Exodus 33:20 | Deuteronomy 30:11-14 | John 6:46]
God designed the universe to support human beings.
However, we are not physical by nature.
We are spiritual creatures that exist in the physical realm.
[Genesis 1 & 2 | Nehemiah 9:6 | Job 38 | Psalm 8:3 | Isaiah 45:18]
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